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Sha Tin

TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College

Address: Area 14 J, City One, Sha Tin,NT
Tel: 26497385
Fax: 26494688

How to travel to TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College

MTR: City One Station of Tuen Ma Line (EXIT C);
Bus: 80K, 82X, 84M, 86, 89X, 49X, 281;
Minibus: 804, 811.


TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College is a Aided Co-ed secondary school located in Hong KongThe school was founded in 1985. The school is located in Sha Tin, and covers an area of approximately 5500 square meters. The supervisor/chairman of the school management committee is Ho Yau Kai, Orlando Mr.,And the principal is Yeung, Chun Man Mr. (BA, MA). The sponsoring body of TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College is Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and is a non-religious school. The mission of the school: "We are committed to providing quality education and emphasize the all-round development among students. We aim at creating an ideal learning environment which enables students to exert their full potentialities; we help students develop personal and ethical quality, hence it builds a strong sense of civic awareness in them."School has Parent-Teacher Association,has student union,doesn't has IMC,has old students/alumni associations, the existence of these organizations promotes the cohesion and cooperation of the school community. The motto of TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College Adhering to the school motto of Diligence, Frugality, Loyalty, Faithfulness, encourages students to strive for excellence in academic, moral and personal growth.

Admission Information


Class Structure

Form 1: 3 classes. Form 2: 4 classes.
Form 3: 4 classes. Form 4: 4 classes.
Form 5: 3 classes. Form 6: 3 classes.
^It is important to note that these class numbers may change over time, so students and parents should check with the school for the most up-to-date class structure when applying for admission.


Secondary One Entrance

Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2023 ).Rank Order List provided by the EDB: 40%,
Conduct: 10%,
ECA: 20%,
Interview: 30%.


Orientation Activities and Healthy Living

Summer Vacation Orientation Activities include English Bridging Courses, Workshop on Learning Styles, English Fun Day, Induction Program for Secondary One Curriculum and Orientation Day/Seminars for Secondary One Students' Parents. Also summer courses of Extra-curricular Activities are carried out. After the re-opening of the school, Evening Gathering for Secondary One Students' Parents would be conducted. In school, "Big Brother Big Sister" Project and Homework Tutorial Classes would be held to help students to solve their learning problems. All S.1 students have to join uniform groups and participate in various inter-class competitions.
Our school emphasizes the importance of setting up a 'Healthy School'. We conduct "My Pledge to Act', Moral Education, various extra-curricular activities to train students to develop a balanced and orderly living style. The above activities include the development on mental health, sex education, knowledge and training in balanced diet and body fitness etc.

2022-2023 Annual Fees

The tuition structure for TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College is as follows:
∎ Form 1: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 2: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 3: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 4: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
∎ Form 5: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
∎ Form 6: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
The PTA dues are $50 (S.1~S.5); $25 (S.6) per year.
Student union fee: $20 (S.1~S.5); $10 (S.6).
The approved charge for non-standard items is $0 per year.
Other charges/fees: $0.
^Please note that the above prices and charges are for reference only and may change over time. Students and parents should check with the school for the latest tuition and related fee details when applying for admission.

​2022-2023 Faculty Profile (Including Principal)

Based on 2022/2023 data, TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College has a total of 56 teachers and 56 approved teacher positions. The qualifications and professional training of teachers are as follows:
∎ Diploma of Education: 100% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Bachelor's degree: 43% of the school's faculty.
∎ Master's degree, doctoral degree or above: accounting for 56% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Special education training: 24% of the total number of teachers in the school.

In terms of seniority of teachers, the data are as follows:
∎ Teachers with 0-4 years of experience account for 20% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 5-9 years of experience account for 13% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 10 or more years of experience account for 67% of the total number of teachers in the school.

These data show that TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College has an experienced team of teachers with diverse academic and professional training. more than half of teachers hold master's, doctoral or above degrees, which will help to provide more in-depth and professional educational content. Their PGCE and BA guarantee they have a good foundation in teaching. In addition, most of teachers have rich teaching experience, and 67% of teachers have 10 or more years of seniority. This means that they have accumulated rich experience and professional knowledge in the teaching field, and can better guide and support the growth of students.These teacher profiles reflect that TWGHs Yow Kam Yuen College has a team of strong and experienced teachers who provide a high quality education to their students.

Subjects offered in the 2022-2023 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Putonghua, Applied Technology, Integrated Science (S.1*, S.2*, S.3), Geography, Chinese History, History, Life and Society (S.1*, S.2*, S.3), Visual Arts*, Music and Physical Education.
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language; Mathematics; Liberal Studies (S.5-S.6); Citizenship and Social Development (S.4-S.5); Chinese History; Geography; Physics; Combined Science (Chemistry & Biology) (S.6); Chemistry (S.4-S.5), Biology (S.4-S.5), Economics; Tourism and Hospitality Studies; Business, Accounting and Financial Studies; Information and Communication Technology; Visual Arts; Physical Education (DSE Course); Physical Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Subjects proposed for the 2023-2024 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Putonghua, Applied Technology, Integrated Science (S.1*, S.2*, S.3), Geography, Chinese History, History, Life and Society (S.1*, S.2*, S.3), Visual Arts*, Music and Physical Education.
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language; Mathematics; Citizenship and Social Development; Chinese History; Geography; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Economics; Tourism and Hospitality Studies; Business, Accounting and Financial Studies; Information and Communication Technology; Visual Arts; Physical Education (Diploma Course); Physical Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

School Facilities (for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs)

Apart from the basic facilities, our school has a School Hall, Playground, Music Room, Library, I.S. Laboratory, Information and Technology Learning Centre, Multi-media Learning Centre, Computer Laboratory, Visual Arts Room, Integrated Technology Room, Business Fundamental Room, Desktop Publishing Room, English Activities Room, Students' Activities Room, Gymnasium and Parent Resources Center.

Accessible public information / service counter.

School Characteristics

School Management

School's Major Concerns:
We are...
an Invitational School;
a Moving School;
a Caring School;
a Green School.

School Management Organisation:
Since 1998, we started the new measures for the school management. School council, Parents-Teachers Association, Student Union and Student Alumni Association were established. Under the leadership and coordination of the advisory committee, the curriculum development committee and the functional groups, all plans can be implemented smoothly.

Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee:
The Incorporated Management Committees, composed of the representatives from school sponsoring body, principal, parents, teachers, alumni and independent manager, was set up in February, 2006. It aims at improving the quality of administration and teaching.

School Green Policy:
School actively conducts green policies. Apart from the teaching of green knowledge in formal curricula, we encourage students to act out what they have learnt for the sake of saving energy to live in a simple life. Based on the spirit of "Use the natural resources wisely to reduce Carbon", the school has minimized the usage of electricity, water and paper. We set up recycled bins and conduct competitions for recycling. We also carry out activities like Hong Kong No Air-con Day, Tree Plantation, 60 Earth Hour, trips for ecotourism, Environmental Protection Week etc. to teach students green knowledge. For school equipment, we gradually change to use Eco electrical models with grade 1 label for electricity efficiency.


Learning and Teaching Plan

Whole-school Language Policy:
We use Chinese as the Medium of Instruction. For the purpose of improving the students' English language proficiency, we have employed a Native-speaking English Teacher (NET); we also set up the English Activity Room (EAR) and the Multi Media Learning Center (MMLC) etc.

Learning and Teaching Strategies:
1. We emphasize on developing the students' learning interest, ability of self-learning and positive learning attitude;
2. We emphasize on improving students' language proficiency for a better foundation of studying other subjects;
3. To tie up with the development of new technology, our school provides a number of new educational facilities;
4. To enhance the whole school WiFi infrastructure cater for the e-Learning scheme;
5. We emphasize on developing students' civic awareness so that they are willing to be concerned with the social issues and hence generates the ability of independent judgement;
6. To fully implement the idea of teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, small group learning was employed in Junior forms so as to facilitate interactive learning and the School-based Curriculum Scheme;
7. Every subject plans their teaching goals, teaching activities and method of evaluation which cater for the needs of the students. For the improvement of teaching of the next year, we would have an appraisal in the end of each year. The ultimate aim is to exert the students' potentialities and their ability of self learning;
8. In order to promote students' reading habit, we have Morning Reading Period in every school day, "One Passage per Day" for the junior form students, English i-learner program, various kinds of reading sharing, book recommendation, famous speakers to share their reading experience, book fair and etc. To spread the reading atmosphere, we encourage students to participate the School-based Reading Reward Scheme.

School-based curriculum:
1. Electives: 3X. From S.4, students study 3 electives out of 11 (at most) provided. School provides talks and conduct survey for all S.3 students for the choice of those 11 electives.
2. Curriculum highlights:
(1) Different subjects in electives are arranged parallel periods. It can increase the chance for students to choose and study according to their wills.
(2) Main subjects are divided into groups for lessons. Teachers can teach and cater for students' diversity.
(3) Students apply the Applied Learning course provided by outside course providers at their own interest.

Development of the Four Key Tasks:
We emphasize on reading, because we believe that students can learn from reading. We have the morning reading period, book report writing, book sharing sessions. The functional groups, Civic Education Unit, Students Guidance and Counselling hold seminars, workshops to raise students' awareness in Civic Education. Our school also conducts Activity Day and design group projects for students. In order to equip teachers to teach more effectively with the support of IT, school installs fiber network in campus.

Life Planning Education:
In order to help students better understand themselves, set clear goals and objectives, prepare for future development in work and study, we will provide students with a number of courses, seminars, workshops and visits, such as "My Way" (a life planning program for secondary school students), workshops on understanding oneself, talks on Elective Subject Selection, Aptitude test and analysis, Job-tasting Program, etc. The school also organizes talks and seminars for parents, equipping them to help their sons and daughters to make wise decision both in work and further study.


Student Support

Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity:
Arrange the classes of students allocated by the EDB into 4-5 groups in order to provide a better learning and more caring environment. Different levels of assignment have been designed to best fit the needs of students.

Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
Our school Student Support Team (SST) has been headed by Principal for years with members including leaders of functional groups, Panels of four core subjects, Social Worker and Educational Psychologist. SST is responsible for formulating, executing and evaluating inclusive education policy. It acts as the bridge of collecting and disseminating the school inclusive education policy. Besides, we utilize different government fundings and resources to enhance our students’ personal development. We provide different after-school measures and assessment accommodations in supporting students with special educational needs. We also provide tailor-made learning opportunities, like music orientation, sporting activities, STEM workshops, so as to develop their confidence and generic skills for enhancing students’ whole-person development. We believe that education is a partnership between school and families which is crucial in providing a favourable environment for the growth of our students. To develop a caring school, we implement a mentorship program - Stand By Me - to promote mentoring relationships between teachers and students.

Educational Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Students:

Measures to provide adaptation for Learning and Assessment:
We adopt the continuous assessment, which focuses on subject's assignments and project learning. There is one uniform test and one examination in each school term to assess students' academic performance.


Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos

Home-School Co-operation:
As a member of the IMC, the parent representative acts as a bridge between the parents and the school. Activities are held by PTA every month, such as certificate courses, seminars, sharings, picnic, BBQ night, etc. in order to provide opportunities for building better relationship between parents and teachers.

School Ethos:
We emphasize on students' personal and ethical quality. This can be acquired through various kinds of courses and activities. It helps us to establish the positive style of our school as well. Cooperated with the school social worker, the Guidance Unit provides personal guidance of students and a lot of activities so as to strengthen the students' self confidence and set up a healthy self image.


Future Development

School Development Plan:
1. 2022-2025 Triennial School Development Plan:
(1) To cater for learner’s diversity and enhance learning efficiency.
(2) To strengthen the ethic of the students in order to nurture good citizens.
(3) To improve the psychological quality of students to foster positivity and confidence in life.

2. 2022-2023 Major Concerns:
(1) To cater for learner diversity and establish learning routine through multiple modes of strategies.
(2) To cultivate a positive and confident view in life so as to instill good citizenship among students.

Teacher Professional Training and Development:
1. Apart from organizing the activities of school-based teachers professional development, we also encourage our teachers to pursuit a life-long learning and take part in different kinds of seminars, workshops and sharing so as to improve the teaching quality;
2. We encourage class observation among our teachers, group class preparation and collaborative teaching. Thereby, the teachers can learn from each other and share their teaching experience;
3. To broaden our teachers' horizons, we assign teachers to attend meetings in mainland or overseas every year. Teachers can learn from other teachers' strength to offset their weaknesses.

Life-wide Learning (including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.):
Our School provides a great diversity of extra-curricular activities. There are more than 30 societies and clubs which are divided into 4 categories, namely academic, interest and leisure, sports and service. Regular hall assemblies and are held. Co-operated programs of Sex Education Week are run with the Department of Health. Moreover, we held Life Experience Week in the mainland China. Tourism and Hospitality Studies held local and foreign visits which put theories into practice.



Starting from September of 2003, our school launched the Invitational Education Project. This project aims at developing a learning environment which is full of concern, respect and joy. Our school has become the member of the International Alliance for Invitational (HK) since its establishment in June of 2004. Honourably, our school received the international acclaimed "Inviting School Award" in 2006.
This year, we join the EDB "Hong Kong Schools Self-Evaluation Network (HKSSEN)" project, and the "Quality School Improvement Project" run by the Chinese University of Hong Kong in order to raise the quality of Teaching and Learning.

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