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Yuen Long

Man Kwan Pak Kau College

Address: 51 Tin Wah Road, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, N.T.
Tel: 24482960
Fax: 24471924

How to travel to Man Kwan Pak Kau College

Bus Routes: K73, 265B, 265M, 276B, 269B, 269C, 269M, 967, 969;
LRT: 705, 706.


Man Kwan Pak Kau College is a DSS Co-ed secondary school located in Hong KongThe school was founded in 1954. The school is located in Yuen Long, and covers an area of approximately 7000 square meters. The supervisor/chairman of the school management committee is Tam Man Kwan Prof.,And the principal is Wong Wing Tung Mr. undefined. The sponsoring body of Man Kwan Pak Kau College is Man Kwan Educational Organisation Limited and is a non-religious school. The mission of the school: "With the school belief of "All are Educable" and the effort in working on the principles of "Active Education", we aim at providing a caring environment for students."School has Parent-Teacher Association,has student union,doesn't has IMC,has old students/alumni associations, the existence of these organizations promotes the cohesion and cooperation of the school community. The motto of Man Kwan Pak Kau College Adhering to the school motto of Truth, Goodness, Beauty, encourages students to strive for excellence in academic, moral and personal growth.

Admission Information


Class Structure

Form 1: 4 classes. Form 2: 4 classes.
Form 3: 4 classes. Form 4: 4 classes.
Form 5: 4 classes. Form 6: 4 classes.
^It is important to note that these class numbers may change over time, so students and parents should check with the school for the most up-to-date class structure when applying for admission.


Secondary One Entrance

Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2023 ).Applicants are required to attend interviews. Academic results (30%), interview performance (20%), performances in competitions outside school / extra-curricular activities (20%) and conduct (30%) will also be assessed.


Orientation Activities and Healthy Living

S.1 bridging programme will be held for Form one and all transfer students during the 3 weeks summer holidays. The aims of the programme are to emphasize students' life planning, goal setting and to build up their confidence.

2022-2023 Annual Fees

The tuition structure for Man Kwan Pak Kau College is as follows:
∎ Form 1: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 2: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 3: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 4: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 5: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 6: Tuition is $5740"/year, lecture fee is $0.
The PTA dues are $30" per year.
Student union fee: $20".
The approved charge for non-standard items is $0 per year.
Other charges/fees: $0.
^Please note that the above prices and charges are for reference only and may change over time. Students and parents should check with the school for the latest tuition and related fee details when applying for admission.

​2022-2023 Faculty Profile (Including Principal)

Based on 2022/2023 data, Man Kwan Pak Kau College has a total of 68 teachers and (not given) approved teacher positions. The qualifications and professional training of teachers are as follows:
∎ Diploma of Education: 68% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Bachelor's degree: 99% of the school's faculty.
∎ Master's degree, doctoral degree or above: accounting for 40% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Special education training: 22% of the total number of teachers in the school.

In terms of seniority of teachers, the data are as follows:
∎ Teachers with 0-4 years of experience account for 49% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 5-9 years of experience account for 7% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 10 or more years of experience account for 44% of the total number of teachers in the school.

These data show that Man Kwan Pak Kau College has an experienced team of teachers with diverse academic and professional training. nearly half of teachers hold master's, doctoral or above degrees, which will help to provide more in-depth and professional educational content. Their PGCE and BA guarantee they have a good foundation in teaching. In addition, many teachers have rich teaching experience, and 44% of teachers have 10 or more years of seniority. This means that they have accumulated rich experience and professional knowledge in the teaching field, and can better guide and support the growth of students.These teacher profiles reflect that Man Kwan Pak Kau College has a team of strong and experienced teachers who provide a high quality education to their students.

Subjects offered in the 2022-2023 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Life and Society, Geography, Chinese History, History, Integrated Science, Computer & Information Technology, Putonghua, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Drama, Music

English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development (S.4, S.5), Liberal Studies (S.6), Economics, BAFS, Geography, History, Chinese History, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Applied Learning, Diversified school-based program
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Subjects proposed for the 2023-2024 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Life and Society, Geography, Chinese History, History, Integrated Science, Computer & Information Technology, Putonghua, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Drama, Music
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Mathematics, Citizenship and Social Development, Economics, BAFS, Geography, History, Chinese History, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Applied Learning, Diversified school-based program
English as the medium of instruction:English Language

School Facilities (for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs)

Inno-Tech Building which helps strengthen IT teaching and learning in our school. There are 5 advanced IT special designed rooms and lecture theatre. Setting up WiFi Network to cover the whole campus. Students learn IT everywhere. Our campus has a variety of facilities such as the InnoTech Centre, AI ENG LAB, AI ENG STUDIO, Campus TV Station, radio station, Dream Studio, Geo Lab, ACTIVE Learning Centre, AIoT Lab.

Accessible toilet.

School Characteristics

School Management

School's Major Concerns:
1. To enhance the literacy of students in a comprehensive way by the creation of a language rich learning environment.
2. To deepen students’ deep learning competencies by the enhancement of teaching effectiveness in STEM Education.
3. To build up students’ confidence and a sense of achievement by the implementation of the school motto 'Truth, Goodness and Beauty’.

School Management Organisation:
Our school management team divides into five divisions (Academic Affairs Department, Student Affairs Department, School Affairs Department, Information Technology and Innovation Development Department and Quality Assurance Department). We have Quality Assurance Committee to create habits of observing lessons of each other in order to raise the quality of teaching and learning.

Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee:
School management committee includes: Prof. Tam Man Kwan (Supervisor), Mr. Li Yuet Ting (C.B.E., J.P., Former Director of Education), Prof. Lam Chi Chung (Adjunct Professors, Faculty of Education, CUHK), Mr. Choi Chee Cheong (Former Secretary General of the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority), Prof. Man Yee Fun (Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, CUHK), Dr. Lam Ka Ka (Professional Consultant, Faculty of Education, CUHK), Mr. Lee Shiu Fung (Former Principal Inspector (Guidance & Discipline), Education Bureau), Ms. Yung Lai Chun (Experienced professional educators), Mr. Tam Yuk Fai (Professional)

School Green Policy:
To further strengthen students’ awareness on environmental protection, large-scaled school greening environmental protection functions are organised. Our school is also the Champion of 'Your School, Dream Green' Competition 2016, which is organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.

Details: undefined

Learning and Teaching Plan

Whole-school Language Policy:
To emphasize the importance of writing and reading, we have Morning Study Period, split classes on both Chinese and English writing in senior forms, and speaking classes conducted by NETs.

Learning and Teaching Strategies:
1. With the school-based EITP programme, students are taught how to design digital games, Apps, robotics and coding in order to raise students’ creativity.
2. Language and diversity learning scheme is implemented. Reading and writing are emphasized. Split classes on writing are arranged in Senior Forms.
3. Deep Learning Day lets all students learn outside the classroom and covers various learning areas to encourage students' exploration and collaboration.
4. CLAP-Tech: The school was granted $2 million, belonging to one of the five pilot schools in HK. The school designed innovative technology course with Hong Kong Baptist University.

School-based curriculum:
1. Electives: 2X and 3X. Economics, BAFS, Geography, History, Chinese History, Information and Communication Technology, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Education, Visual Arts, Diversity Learning Programme, ApL
2. Curriculum highlights: Extra classes on Science Innovation will be offered after school in order to promote STEM education. Drama education is provided for our all junior forms which enhance students' language ability and communication skill.

Development of the Four Key Tasks:
1. To promote STEM learning, our school emphasizes Education on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Extra classes on Science Innovation will be offered after school in order to promote STEM education.
2. Implementation of E-learning in whole school, using i-Pad as major learning device. 'Flipped-classroom' will be promoted and teaching will be more student-oriented.
3. Whole-person Education and Life Planning are offered to students. Voluntary service is emphasized in order to give students opportunities to build up their responsibility.
4. Study Tours are provided. Students have visited Britain, America, Australia, Mainland China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.

Life Planning Education:
1. Students can obtain information about life-planning and career guidance comprehensively through participation in various activities including whole-person development sessions, life-planning workshops, thematic career talks and visits to different higher education institutions and organizations.
2. The life-planning for junior form students aims at helping them develop self-understanding and interpersonal skills. Meanwhile, the life-planning for junior form students aims at broadening their visions in life planning.
3. To promote 'Life-planning' scheme, we will invite our alumni to serve as mentors so as to provide positive direction and instructions for the development of our students.
4. Establish a database for students' development. The strength, prize award and aptitude of students are recorded so that teachers can provide appropriate support to the students.
5. Through establishing partnership with various education organisations and universities abroad, our students will have more choices for future studies.
6. Developing students’ 6C competence.


Student Support

Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity:
Elite Programme: We provide supplementary classes for elite students. School-based Support Scheme: We provide supplementary classes and enrichment lessons for less able students of junior forms. We also have two student counselors to help follow the progress of students.

Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
1. Set up Student Support Team to assist in planning, coordinating and implementing the Whole School Approach to IE in order to further cultivate an inclusive school culture and enhance the effectiveness of the support given to students with special educational needs.
2. Supportive measures include teaching adaptation and assessment accommodation, the arrangement on remedial learning groups, training on social skills and speech therapy services.
3. We also arrange regular meetings with parents to monitor the learning progress of our students and to establish individual education plan for them.

Educational Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Students:

Measures to provide adaptation for Learning and Assessment:
Apart from examinations, continuous assessments are adapted to assess students' academic performance. Interdisciplinary projects are also included.


Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos

Home-School Co-operation:
We endeavor to create a love culture in our school by contacting parents in order to set the same goal. Therefore, the operation of Parent and Teacher Association will be focused, which is a media between parents and school and through which parents will have a role in school administration. Moreover, we are establishing the Parents' Learning Centre which will organise various talks, seminars and activities for our parents so as to enhance the interaction between parents and their children as well as a better understanding of the school.

School Ethos:
1. We believe that the Heart Education is the key to education, while we put our eyes on the relationship between teachers and students. A series of guidance programmes and moral education have been provided to cater the needs of students to let them grow up healthily.
2. In order to encourage students to participate in extra-curricular activities as well as social services more actively, ‘Star Award Scheme’ , hence, has been carried out.


Future Development

School Development Plan:
1. Appointed as "School of Distinction", our school assists in promoting the development of Science and Technology.
2. To promote STEM learning, our school emphasizes Education on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. All form one students will be equipped with Microbit to learn programming.
3. AI for the Future: The school was granted $1.5 million, belonging to one of the six pilot schools in HK. The school co-designed a 3-year artificial intelligence course with the School of Engineering and the School of Education in CUHK.

Teacher Professional Training and Development:
Teacher mentorship strengthening the support for teachers does help create an atmosphere of cooperation among teachers. Regular joint-school teacher development days are provided to let teachers know the social trend as well as the innovative ways of teaching. Reward and Merit System are available to teachers.

Life-wide Learning (including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.):
Our school has offered more than 30 different types of activities to students such as unicycle, sport stacking, fencing, a cappella, sign language, dancing, drama, track and field and rope skipping etc. For our junior forms, they have to join one of the uniform teams such as marching band, Road Safety Patrol, The Boys' Brigade, Girl Guides and Scouts. We encourage all students to take part in voluntary services for at least 10 hours every year.



We have a Comprehensive Development Awarding Scheme, including: Man Kwan Pak Kau Stars in Academic, Man Kwan Pak Kau Stars in Social Service, Man Kwan Pak Kau Stars in Sports, Man Kwan Pak Kau Stars in Arts, Man Kwan Pak Kau Stars in Science Innovation and Man Kwan Pak Kau Star for Excellent performance.

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