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Wong Tai Sin

Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

Address: 9 Fu Mei Street Wang Tau Hom
Tel: 23379594
Fax: 23363549

How to travel to Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

Bus routes: 2B, 2F, 3C, 75X, E22
MTR: Lok Fu Station


Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School is a Aided Girls secondary school located in Hong KongThe school was founded in 1972. The school is located in Wong Tai Sin, and covers an area of approximately 5568 square meters. The supervisor/chairman of the school management committee is Agatha Poon Sr.,And the principal is Lau Yiu Hung Dr. (B.Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D.). The sponsoring body of Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School is Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and is a Catholicism school. The mission of the school: "Our school aims to create an atmosphere of freedom and love within the spirit of Gospel, cultivate students to have a balanced development, so that students can develop their potentials, take the initiative to learn, have their wisdom enhanced, have correct values and positive life attitudes."School has Parent-Teacher Association,has student union,doesn't has IMC,has old students/alumni associations, the existence of these organizations promotes the cohesion and cooperation of the school community. The motto of Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School Adhering to the school motto of Rectify the hearts to manifest our virtue, purify the souls to enlighten our world., encourages students to strive for excellence in academic, moral and personal growth.

Admission Information


Class Structure

Form 1: 4 classes. Form 2: 4 classes.
Form 3: 4 classes. Form 4: 4 classes.
Form 5: 4 classes. Form 6: 4 classes.
^It is important to note that these class numbers may change over time, so students and parents should check with the school for the most up-to-date class structure when applying for admission.


Secondary One Entrance

Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2023 ).The criteria for S.1 Discretionary Places:
Rank Order List provided by EDB 40%,
Conduct and comments 30%,
Interview performance 20%,
Extra-curricular activities and awards 10%.


Orientation Activities and Healthy Living

Before the school year begins, the “S.1 Bridging Programme” is held to assist fresh S.1 students in understanding the secondary school life better. It includes a day-camp, a few days' lessons introducing the core subjects as well as the self-regulated learning method and basic e-Learning skills. Besides, the "S.1 Parents' Gathering" and “S.1 Parents’ Orientation Day” can let parents know more about the school, learning mode and strategies for nurturing students at different time intervals. Big Sisters Guidance Program and S.1 Principal & Parents’ Meeting are also organized at the beginning of the school year. Personal growth groups are ready for students in need throughout the year.
During the S1 school year, students are able to know what a healthy lifestyle is from the school curriculum. Moreover, they are reminded of the importance of having a balanced diet, an optimum level of exercise and good interpersonal relationships. Apart from regular fitness training, students are encouraged to join a great diversity of physical activities and collaborative learning activities in their free time. Through religious and spiritual education, students are nurtured to be mindful, good at reflection, have the ability to communicate so that students can build self-confidence and are willing to offer mutual support as well as learn from one another.

2022-2023 Annual Fees

The tuition structure for Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School is as follows:
∎ Form 1: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 2: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 3: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 4: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $310".
∎ Form 5: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $310".
∎ Form 6: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $310".
The PTA dues are $30" per year.
Student union fee: $0.
The approved charge for non-standard items is 200 per year.
Other charges/fees: $0.
^Please note that the above prices and charges are for reference only and may change over time. Students and parents should check with the school for the latest tuition and related fee details when applying for admission.

​2022-2023 Faculty Profile (Including Principal)

Based on 2022/2023 data, Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School has a total of 64 teachers and 60 approved teacher positions. The qualifications and professional training of teachers are as follows:
∎ Diploma of Education: 100% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Bachelor's degree: 100% of the school's faculty.
∎ Master's degree, doctoral degree or above: accounting for 49% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Special education training: 35% of the total number of teachers in the school.

In terms of seniority of teachers, the data are as follows:
∎ Teachers with 0-4 years of experience account for 12% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 5-9 years of experience account for 14% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 10 or more years of experience account for 74% of the total number of teachers in the school.

These data show that Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School has an experienced team of teachers with diverse academic and professional training. nearly half of teachers hold master's, doctoral or above degrees, which will help to provide more in-depth and professional educational content.Also, there are there are many of teachers trained in special education, which shows that the school cares about and is committed to students with special educational needs. Their PGCE and BA guarantee they have a good foundation in teaching. In addition, most of teachers have rich teaching experience, and 74% of teachers have 10 or more years of seniority. This means that they have accumulated rich experience and professional knowledge in the teaching field, and can better guide and support the growth of students.These teacher profiles reflect that Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School has a team of strong and experienced teachers who provide a high quality education to their students.

Subjects offered in the 2022-2023 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese History, Integrated Humanities*, Computer Literacy*, Religious Education, Putonghua, Music, PE, Visual Arts, Home Economics, Life Education, Project Learning (S.2, S.3)
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development (S.4, S.5), Liberal Studies (S.6), Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Geography, Economics, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Health Management and Social Care, Visual Arts, Ethics and Religious Studies, Religious Education, PE, Aesthetic Development, Competency Enrichment Programme (S.4)
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part

Subjects proposed for the 2023-2024 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese History, Integrated Humanities*, Computer Literacy*, Religious Education, Putonghua, Music, PE, Visual Arts, Home Economics, Life Education, Project Learning (S.2, S.3)
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Citizenship and Social Development, Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Geography, Economics, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Health Management and Social Care, Visual Arts, Ethics and Religious Studies, Religious Education, PE, Aesthetic Development, Competency Enrichment Programme (S.4, S.5)
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Extended Part

School Facilities (for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs)

The facilities include the English iZone, Life-planning Room, Campus TV station, Library, Students Activity Centre, IH & Geography Room, MMLC, Computer room, Multi-purpose Study Rooms, Basketball court, Chapel and Pastoral care room. All classrooms, special rooms and the school hall have IT facilities and air-conditioners.

Ramp, Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.

School Characteristics

School Management

School's Major Concerns:
1. Facilitate students' individualized learning, showcase their talents and learning outcomes;
2. Cultivate students' enthusiasm for life and family through the experience of serving others and career goal development;
3. Enhance and demonstrate teachers’ professional quality to improve teaching effectiveness. Theme in this year: Nurture the talent and unleash the potential - Enjoy, Enrich, Empower.

School Management Organisation:
Our school implements the committee system, consisting of the School Administration Committee, the Academic Committee, the Value and Life Education Committee and the School Ethos & Student Support Committee.

Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee:
The Incorporated Management Committee, comprising the representatives from sponsoring body, teachers, parents, alumni and the community, takes the lead in formulating school policies. Communication between school managers and teachers is enhanced through the Staff-Management Consultative Team.

School Green Policy:
Greening the school, sharing resources, saving energy and putting knowledge about environmental protection into practice are at the core of the school green policy.


Learning and Teaching Plan

Whole-school Language Policy:
1. Co-teaching is adopted in junior form English lessons whereas senior form English classes are split into groups.
2. To maximize students' opportunities in English learning and bridging the gap in senior forms, English has been adopted as the medium of instruction to teach Math in all classes and Science in elite classes in Junior Forms. Cross-curricular English learning and Extended Learning Activities in English are implemented to help students learn other subjects using English.
3. To enrich the English and Putonghua environment, a NET teacher is hired and there is an English and Putonghua morning assembly every week, the English iZone is open regularly and organizing the English Week, arranging bilingual circulars, notices and school website.
4. English enhancement classes and bridging programmes for S1 and S4 Science Stream students are offered on Saturdays and in summer respectively.
5. Local and overseas English immersion programmes are organized during summer vacation.
6. English iZone has been set up with the funding from Quality Education Fund to provide situational English learning.
7. Students join the English and Putonghua verse speaking competitions in the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival annually and win many awards.
8. Students read Chinese and English books in alternate months while S.4 to S.6 students read English and Chinese books in different reading time.

Learning and Teaching Strategies:
1. The Curriculum and Teaching Development Team and the eight KLAs monitor and review the school curriculum, and promote cross-subject collaboration. 2. With the following teaching strategies, student motivation is enhanced and learning performance improved: (a) peer lesson co-planning and observation as well as after-class evaluation; (b) introduce self-regulated learning (SRL), establish the peer support approach to cater for learner diversity; (c) diversified teaching activities linked to daily life to arouse students' interest and cultivate the ability of students in 'learning to learn', learning attitude and positive values; (d) diversified modes of assessment; (e) introduce e-learning elements and electronic platforms: implementing ‘Bring Your Own Device' (BYOD) to increase interaction and the level of interest in class; use various electronic platforms and video software to prepare learning materials as well as offer real-time online tutoring to extend the time for learning; (f) adopt co-teaching or split group teaching.
3. Learning and teaching development: (a) implement self-regulated learning to facilitate individualized learning; (b) promote cross-curricular activities so as to inspire students' curiosity and enhance their confidence; (c) promote teacher professional exchanges through teacher professional development week.

School-based curriculum:
1. Electives: 2X and 3X.
(1) According to students' abilities and interests, students in senior forms can take 2X or 3X with 14 electives, or take an off-campus applied learning course.
(2) To enhance students' abilities and vocational development, school also provides a school-based Competency Enrichment Course, including study skills, life skills, practical Chinese, mastering Mathematics and vocational English.
2. Curriculum highlights:
(1) There are split classes in English to cater for individual learning differences.
(2) The learning experiences in aesthetic development and Competency Enrichment Programme can raise students' diverse abilities as well as enhance students' attitudes and manners and pave way for the development of positive attitudes and values.
(3) Students can take an Applied Learning Course -Vocational English as one of their chosen electives.

Development of the Four Key Tasks:
1. During reading time students read Chinese and English books and they do online reading at home.
2. Implement project learning, self-study and reflection lessons in junior forms to cultivate generic skills and good learning habits among students.
3. Teachers and students can use information technology, the Internet and Intranet for teaching and learning.
4. Moral, spiritual, sex, health, environmental protection and civic education helps students have correct values and positive attitudes towards life.

Life Planning Education:
Student Life Planning Team cooperates with Religion and InspirEd Team to map out career and life planning activities in different stages for students, with the aim of enhancing value education. S.1-S.2 — start to understand students' own aptitudes, abilities and interests; S.3 — provides career guidance and counseling services to help students make careful subject choices, letting them recognize the relationship between further studies and careers; S.4-S.6 — organizes diverse life planning activities to broaden students' horizons as well as to allow students to understand their aptitudes and abilities.


Student Support

Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity:
1. To accommodate the needs of gifted students, enrichment programmes are organized and they are nominated to join training courses for gifted children.
2. A working team counsels students with special education needs regularly to find out their needs in learning.
3. An educational psychologist, a school-based speech therapist and a school social worker provide professional assistance.
4. English and different subjects offer enrichment programmes and enhancement programmes to raise students' academic standards, using extra resources.
5. Graded assignments are designed to meet the needs of individual students.
6. Assistance and counseling are offered to students with learning difficulties.

Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
Students with special education needs are supported by the Learning Ethos and Support Team. With parents' consent, the team collects students' information so as to identify students' education needs and offer support for them. Our school also refers students who are suspected to have special education needs to the education psychologist to follow up. Our school also adopts a flexible approach in making use of the Learning Support Grant and other school resources to provide diverse support to students, including school-based speech therapist, tutors, social workers and teaching assistants. Support also comprises homework tutoring, interpersonal skills' training and individual counselling. Services like school-based speech therapy, life planning services and relaxation groups are also provided to students with related needs. To meet students' diverse learning needs and raise their learning efficacy, curriculum design, diverse teaching strategies, graded exercise, homework and assessment accommodations are also adopted.

Educational Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Students:

Measures to provide adaptation for Learning and Assessment:
To facilitate learning, formative and summative assessments are equally emphasized, sharing the same percentage.


Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos

Home-School Co-operation:
1. Promote parent education, organize the "Parents' Academy" programme, organizing talks, activities so that parents can work know more about teenagers' development and growth.
2. Organize parent child activities on Parents’ Day and second hand book sales and takes part in races held on Sports Day, etc.
3. Hold principal-parent meetings to strengthen communication between parents and the school.
4. Assist parent manager election of IMC promoting parental involvement in education process.
5. Award students scholarships to encourage improvement in academic results.
6. Organize parent volunteers to help improve the learning quality of our students and to enhance communication between parents and the school.

School Ethos:
1. The school has good school ethos. Students are loving, caring and willing to learn and serve.
2. An atmosphere of solicitude and mutual respect prevails in the school. The relationship between teachers and students is good.
3. Student leaders have a strong sense of responsibility and are willing to serve schoolmates.


Future Development

School Development Plan:
1. Facilitate students’ individualized learning, showcase their talents and learning outcomes;
2. Cultivate students’ enthusiasm for life and family through the experience of serving others and career goal development;
3. Enhance and demonstrate teachers’ professional quality to improve teaching effectiveness.

Teacher Professional Training and Development:
1. Hold self-assessment workshops to facilitate better school development by inviting comments from different stake-holders. School development strategies can be set according to the data analyzed and comments drawn from group discussions.
2. The complete teacher appraisal system is intended for accountability and professional development purposes.
3. Hold ‘Professional Development Week’ in which classrooms are open and other colleagues are welcome to observe the lessons. This allows mutual learning as well as professional exchange and sharing so as to strengthen the teaching effectiveness. Moreover, it provides chances for teachers and students to show their learning outcomes.
4. Make good use of teachers’ professional forces outside school to promote teachers' development.
5. Hold different forms of events in order to enhance teachers’ physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Life-wide Learning (including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.):
There are more than 50 clubs, including spiritual, academic, physical & artistic and interest in nature. The whole school activities, such as Music Festival, Sports Day, Swimming Gala, Student Union and Four houses Election, English Week and Religion Week are coordinated and organized by different teams/committees. Moreover, Life-Wide Learning Week, Outward Bound training for senior forms and mainland field study for S3 students, etc. are also arranged.



1. To encourage and foster the excellence of our students’ achievements, the school offers a number of scholarships to honour our outstanding students. Most scholarships are awarded on the strength of academic merits, and some on other non- academic achievements as specified by the donors including the school supervisor, principal, former teachers, Parents and Teachers Association and alumni.
2. The "Heart-to-heart Assistantship" is established to provide immediate relief for students who have financial difficulties, allowing them to concentrate on their studies.
3. Local and overseas English immersion programmes are organized every summer to enhance students’ English competency and broaden their horizons.

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