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Kwai Tsing

CNEC Christian College

Address: 6 Lei Pui Street Kwai Chung
Tel: 24230365
Fax: 24801429

How to travel to CNEC Christian College

Bus: 31, 31A, 31B, 31M, 35A, 43A;
Minibus: 86, 86M, 403, 403A, 403P, 406, 410.


CNEC Christian College is a Aided Co-ed secondary school located in Hong KongThe school was founded in 1973. The school is located in Kwai Tsing, and covers an area of approximately 9532 square meters. The supervisor/chairman of the school management committee is Chu Samuel Wing Wah Rev.,And the principal is Ng Kar Ho, Sammy Mr. undefined. The sponsoring body of CNEC Christian College is Christian Nationals' Evangelism Commission and is a Protestantism / Christianity school. The mission of the school: "Having faith in God and serving the community are the spirit of running our school; offering a comprehensive education on moral, cognitive, physical, social, aesthetic, and spiritual development; inspiring and directing our students to understand the truth and so to have an abundant life. We strive to achieve excellence and help develop our students into distinguished citizens."School has Parent-Teacher Association,has student union,doesn't has IMC,has old students/alumni associations, the existence of these organizations promotes the cohesion and cooperation of the school community. The motto of CNEC Christian College Adhering to the school motto of Faithfulness, Righteousness, Integrity, Sincerity, encourages students to strive for excellence in academic, moral and personal growth.

Admission Information


Class Structure

Form 1: 4 classes. Form 2: 4 classes.
Form 3: 4 classes. Form 4: 4 classes.
Form 5: 4 classes. Form 6: 4 classes.
^It is important to note that these class numbers may change over time, so students and parents should check with the school for the most up-to-date class structure when applying for admission.


Secondary One Entrance

Our school will accept discretionary places. Our school will participate in the Secondary School Places Allocation System through central allocation stage (Applicable for admission to S.1 in September 2023 ).1. All applicants must have a grade B or above in conduct in Primary 5 and Primary 6;
2. Academic results: academic results of both school examination results in Primary 5 & 6 and the ranking shown in the Discretionary Places Rank Order List provided by the Education Bureau (50%);
3. Interview Performance (40%);
4. Extra-curricular activities and community services (10%).


Orientation Activities and Healthy Living

1. ‘Big Brothers and Sisters’ Scheme starts at the beginning of school year with a senior student from F.3 and F.4 taking care of each F.1 student.
2. This year, the Youth Health Team from the Department of Health is invited to provide ‘Life Skills Training’ to F.1 students. Through this training course, students can understand more about themselves and learn how to manage their emotions. Their interpersonal skills can also be developed and they can learn how to tackle their personal problems at the same time.
3. Different Action Group organizes different kinds of seminars, class teacher periods and small-group activities in order to help develop healthy habit & attitude in life and build up positive value system.
4. Christian Fellowships are held every Friday after school to let students build up a positive value towards life. Through sharing in groups, students can have mutual support and encouragement.
5. One of the major concerns in our school this year is promoting good mental health to help students live a purposeful life.

2022-2023 Annual Fees

The tuition structure for CNEC Christian College is as follows:
∎ Form 1: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 2: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 3: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $0.
∎ Form 4: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
∎ Form 5: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
∎ Form 6: Tuition is $0/year, lecture fee is $340".
The PTA dues are $30" per year.
Student union fee: $50".
The approved charge for non-standard items is $0 per year.
Other charges/fees: $0.
^Please note that the above prices and charges are for reference only and may change over time. Students and parents should check with the school for the latest tuition and related fee details when applying for admission.

​2022-2023 Faculty Profile (Including Principal)

Based on 2022/2023 data, CNEC Christian College has a total of 54 teachers and 53 approved teacher positions. The qualifications and professional training of teachers are as follows:
∎ Diploma of Education: 98% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Bachelor's degree: 60% of the school's faculty.
∎ Master's degree, doctoral degree or above: accounting for 40% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Special education training: 24% of the total number of teachers in the school.

In terms of seniority of teachers, the data are as follows:
∎ Teachers with 0-4 years of experience account for 5% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 5-9 years of experience account for 5% of the total number of teachers in the school.
∎ Teachers with 10 or more years of experience account for 90% of the total number of teachers in the school.

These data show that CNEC Christian College has an experienced team of teachers with diverse academic and professional training. nearly half of teachers hold master's, doctoral or above degrees, which will help to provide more in-depth and professional educational content. Their PGCE and BA guarantee they have a good foundation in teaching. In addition, most of teachers have rich teaching experience, and 90% of teachers have 10 or more years of seniority. This means that they have accumulated rich experience and professional knowledge in the teaching field, and can better guide and support the growth of students.These teacher profiles reflect that CNEC Christian College has a team of strong and experienced teachers who provide a high quality education to their students.

Subjects offered in the 2022-2023 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese History, Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics, Geography, History, Computer Literacy, Integrated Science (S1, S2), Physics (S3), Chemistry (S3), Biology (S3), Visual Arts, Physical Education, Music

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Citizenship and Social Development (S4, S5), Liberal Studies (S6), Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part, Geography, History, Economics, 'Business, Accounting and Financial Studies', Information and Communication Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts

Subjects proposed for the 2023-2024 school year

Form 1 to Form 3:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese History, Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics, Geography, History, Computer Literacy, Integrated Science (S1-S2), Physics (S3), Chemistry (S3), Biology (S3), Visual Arts, Physical Education, Music

Form 4 to Form 6:
Chinese as the medium of instruction:Chinese Language, Chinese Literature, Chinese History, Citizenship and Social Development, Religious Education
English as the medium of instruction:English Language, Mathematics, Mathematics Extended Part, Geography, History, Economics, Business, Accounting and Financial Studies, Information and Communication Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Physical Education, Music, Visual Arts

School Facilities (for Supporting Students with Special Educational Needs)

The school campus is spacious with one school hall, three academic buildings, a school library, a language & literature library for the junior forms, a special room for creative writing, STEM room, multi-media classrooms, multi-media learning centre, students' activities centre, English inter-active room, basketball courts, volley ball courts, lift tower and two gardens for relaxation. All rooms are with air-conditioning facilities.

Accessible lift and Accessible toilet.

School Characteristics

School Management

School's Major Concerns:

School Management Organisation:
The IMC of the school sets the right directions and strategies for the school. Staff meetings and the Standing Committee of the school are to decide and formulate school policies on various aspects. Various committees and subject panels of the school are executing all the teaching and learning plans and affairs. The Student Council is responsible for planning and giving impetus to all students’ activities.

Incorporated Management Committee / School Management Committee / Management Committee:
The IMC of the school is composed of experienced persons from the community. Members of the IMC include representatives from the sponsoring body of the school, the School Principal, elected representatives from the Parents Association and the Alumni Association, teaching staff of the school, and independent representatives.

School Green Policy:
1. The school has installed the recycling bins, and used paper is collected for printing in staff rooms.
2. The school sets up the "Environmental Education Group" to promote environmental conservation.
3. Air conditioners in classrooms are to be switched on only when the room temperature is 26 degree Celsius or above.
4. All electrical appliances such as lights, fans, are to be switched off when the classroom is not in use.
5. Establish the Smart Green Campus.


Learning and Teaching Plan

Whole-school Language Policy:
Our school is one of the first batch EMI schools approved in 1998 to use English as the medium of instruction in teaching. All subjects are taught in English except Chinese Language, Chinese History, Religious Education, Citizenship and Social Development. In addition, the Chinese language classes (S1-3) are supplemented with teaching Putonghua periods. Such policies strengthen students' foundation in biliteracy and trilingualism.

Learning and Teaching Strategies:
Our school encourages whole-person education which emphasizes students’ moral, cognitive, physical, social, aesthetic, and spiritual development; uplifting their self-esteem; paving sound foundation on their language skills; building up discipline among them; and developing the spirit of serving others.
Comprehensive measures to facilitate the participation of teachers and students:
1. Reading periods are held twice a cycle;
2. All-day opening and comfortable language & literature library for junior forms;
3. Students are encouraged to take part in external reading activities and contests.
4. Our school joined the ‘The Quality School Improvement Project (QSIP’ launched by The Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to promote self-directed learning in school.

School-based curriculum:
1. Electives: 3X and 4X. With school’s permission, students are allowed to take the 4th elective (M1 or M2, Music).
2. Curriculum highlights: Students can take any 3 electives (can select M1 or M2 besides 3 electives) offered by the school according to their interests. Our school also provides enrichment courses of the 3 core subjects - Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics. The school will also arrange students, who are interested in taking Applied Learning, enabling them to have a diversified learning and development.

Development of the Four Key Tasks:
Reading to learn:
In order to encourage students to read and write, the whole school are having a ‘Drop Every Thing and Read (DEAR)’ period in the morning twice a cycle; diverse types of reading schemes and exchange programmes are arranged; and reading elements are subsumed into the curriculum planning of every subject.
Information technology for interactive learning:
Apart from using information technology as a teaching tool, web-based learning and tests are also used in some subjects. Besides, activities like making models by using information technology are also being organised to assist students to learn.
Project Learning:
Different types of project learning activities are subsumed to strengthen our students' collaboration, communication and problem-solving skills.
Civic Education:
'Civic, Environmental & Health Education Task Group'. Aims to promote national education and the awareness of current affairs.

Life Planning Education:
Our school arrange various careers activities: implementing ‘Career and Life Planning Lessons’ in F.1 and F.2; organising different kinds of careers and pre-work educational activities for F.3 to F.6 classes; apart from lessons on subject selection counselling and career mapping, we have held careers talk on faculties of universities, alumni sharing sessions, job shadowing, onsite workplace tours, individual and small group counselling, and assemblies etc.

Details: undefined

Student Support

Whole School Approach to Catering for Learner Diversity:
1. Enhancement and Remedial courses are conducted to cater students’ learning difference;
2. The curriculum of each subject is tailor-made to suit the particular needs of students;
3. Students are encouraged to take part in exchange programmes and activities outside the school in order to spot out students with hidden potentials and to emanate an atmosphere of pursuing the best of oneself.

Whole School Approach to Integrated Education:
Our school strives to create an inclusive culture. We have set up Student Support Group which engages our Assistant Principal, Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Guidance Master, teacher with special educational needs training, teachers of core subjects, school educational psychologist, school-based speech therapist, stationing school social workers, student counselor (SEN) and teacher assistant. Our school takes whole school approach making use of Learning Support Grant and school resources to support students with special educational needs like giving them teaching and assessment accommodation.

A professional student counselor is employed to coordinate and organize diverse activities such as integrated classrooms, attention-focus training group, study-groups for Diploma for Secondary Education Examination, social behavior and emotion training group and individual counseling services, etc. Besides, services for occupational therapy are hired for students in need of such training. Our school disseminates information on integrated education to all teachers so that they are updated with strategies and pedagogical advice. Teachers are encouraged to enroll in relevant courses on integrated education with a view to strengthening their professional knowledge and capabilities. Moreover, the members of the student support group keep close contact with parents to facilitate home-school cooperation. All these efforts are aimed to support learning and growth of our next generation.

Educational Support for Non-Chinese Speaking Students:

Measures to provide adaptation for Learning and Assessment:
Other than regular assessments, uniform tests and examinations, our school has the following assessments.
1. 'Continuous Assessments' such as daily assignments, reading records;
2. Various modes of assessments like project- based learning reports, experimental skill assessments, qualitative and quantitative evaluations of extensive reading. Through all these assessments, we hope to understand students' specific needs and provide them with the best follow-up and assistance.


Home-School Co-operation and School Ethos

Home-School Co-operation:
In order to be in tie with parents in family education, the Parents Association was established in May 1993 to facilitate the connection among parents, students, and the school. Our school places great concerns on parenting education. Since 1990s, various activities like parent-child seminars, “DIY” workshops, etc. have been organised.

School Ethos:
Our school pays great attention to students’ behaviours both within and outside school. Students are cultivated into a self-discipline person with outstanding ethos and good manners. The implementation of ‘Big Brothers and Big Sisters’ Scheme enables each F.1 student to be under personal care of a senior student.


Future Development

School Development Plan:
Major Concerns of School Development:
1. Nurturing students to be self-directed learners and catering for their diverse learning needs;
2. Promoting positive values education and good mental health to help students live a purposeful life.

The Future Development Item:
A wide range of activities will be organized to encourage students to develop a sense of 'acting justly, loving mercy and walking humbly with God'. They can develop a sincere and genuine interpersonal relationships and fellowship among them. More occasions will be arranged to improve and recognise students' good academic performance to heighten their sense of responsibility towards learning and encourage them to embrace success.

Teacher Professional Training and Development:
Through teacher retreat, prayer meetings, seminars, joint-school conference, teachers’ spiritual growth and team spirit are developed and built up. Special talks, workshops, and experience sharing among teachers are constantly arranged. Teachers are also encouraged to attend various training courses.

Life-wide Learning (including Five Essential Learning Experiences to be provided through Key Learning Areas, extra-curricular activities, co-curricular activities, etc.):
Uniform Teams (Scouts, Girl Guides, Red Cross Youth Team, School Safety Patrol), Academic Clubs, Interest Groups, Voluntary Service Team, School Teams (Quiz Team, Debate Team, Various Ball Teams, Athletic Team), House Activities. In order to develop students’ attainments in Sports, Visual Arts and Music, students can join various courses of the 'SAM' programme according to their interests and talents.

Details: undefined


Our students received Gold Award in Piano Solo Grade 7 in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Our Mixed Voice Choir also won Gold and Silver Awards in Junior Class and Challenging Class of Secondary School respectively in JSMA Inter-school Competition 2021. Our Handchime Team won Gold and Silver Awards in Handchime Ensemble Teams A and B in JSMA Inter-school Competition 2021. Our Drama Team also received awards for Outstanding Script, Outstanding Director, Outstanding Performer, Commendable Overall Performance in both Cantonese and Putonghua Categories in Hong Kong School Drama Festival 2021-2022.

Our students were awarded the 1st Runner-up in the 9th Vanguard of Law Quiz Competition and the Knowledge of China Quiz Competition. In addition, our school received the Gold Award, Silver Award, Bronze Award, the Champion and the First Runner-up in the Hong Kong Cup on Diplomatic Knowledge Contest.

Our students actively took part in different competitions in which their creativity could be enhanced and their horizons could be broadened. As for art creation, our student demonstrated great sensitivity and got the Champion in the Youth Group of the Anime Art Competition. Our young writers are talented in creative literary writing and were awarded ‘Dragon Junior Literature Award’ including the first grade awards in both Junior and Upper Sections. Their creative works will be published in the ‘Works from Winners of the Dragon Literature Award’ collection and distributed in all provinces throughout China. In Chinese debating, our students received the Champion in 2022 Hei Shing Debate Invitation Cup. Our English Debate Team received the Champion and the Best Speaker in Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (HKSSDC) 2021-2022 (Grand Finals NT Senior Division 1). In the innovation and technology area, our students received the Certificate of Excellence (Best 4 Teams in the contest) in Tech For Future Innovation Training Camp, and the Best Project Award & Distinction in IEEE Hong Kong Pre-university STEM Student Conference 2021.

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