Here we provide the 2019 DSE English language Paper 2 (Writing) Part 2 Questions and Level 5 exemplars.
For questions 2 - 9, choose ONE question and write about 400 words in the space provided on page 8 - 11. Indicate which question you are going to attempt in the question number box on page 8.
2. Learning English through Social issues
The following excerpt appeared in an article in the Hong Kong Daily Press:
To participate in today's global economy, companies hire individuals whose skills and talent meet standards of excellence. One hundred years ago, people were hired from within the local community but today the best individuals are hired from around the world.
Write an essay for your English teacher.
Explain to ensure some of the benefits and challenges international talent brings to Hong Kong society and ways that people from the local community are not neglected.
Include a title for your essay.
3. Learning English through Debating
The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to submit their views on the following topic:
Do social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive. However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.
Write an argumentative essay.
Choose one one side of the argument and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view.
Include a title for your essay.
4. Learning English through Sports Communication
You are a reporter for the sports section of the Young Post. You were attending the final game of the season between rivals St. George's School and Royal College when something unexpected happened during the game.
Write a news report.
Describe the incident and what happened afterwards. Include thoughts and opinions from different people involved.
Give your report a headline
5. Learning English through Popular Culture
This week 's question in the Young Post's Over to You column is:
Where do you get information about the latest trends in pop culture? Do you tum to newspapers and magazines or do you prefer blogs and videos on social media?
Write an article for the Over to You column.
Choose one or two areas of pop culture from the chart below and tell readers where you like to get information about the latest trends. Provide the name of the sources you recommend.
Give your article a title

6. Learning English through Drama
You are a reporter for the entertainment section of the Young Post. You have been asked to review a new film called Cinderella which is based on the comic series Princesses of Power.
Write a review of the film.
Include a brief description of the plot, how the characters are portrayed in this new version of Cinderella and why the director wanted to make this film.
Give your review a title.

7. Learning English through Poems and Songs
Taylor Swift is an award-winning singer-songwriter. In an interview with Parade magazine she said.
"I wrote the song 'Mean' about a critic who kept giving me really bad reviews. I get that, no matter what, people will criticise what you do. But there are different ways to criticise someone... and there's a line that you cross when you just start to attack everything about a person."
You lead an after-school arts club. You would like to instruct members on how to review each other's work.
Write a speech to be delivered to club members.
Discuss what a critic does, how to give criticism and ways to respond to criticism.
Give your speech a title.
8. Learning English through Workplace Communication
You are a volunteer in your local district council office. You have been asked to design a campaign poster for Ricky Kwan, a candidate who will be running in the upcoming council election. You have finished two designs (A and B) and are working on a third (C).

Write an email to the council election committee.
Explain the ideas behind designs A and B and how they would make a good campaign theme
Share the ideas you have for your third design.
Include a subject heading for the email
9. Learning English through Short Stories
Cosmo book shop is organizing a short story contest. The details are below:
In the tale The Tortoise and the Hare, two animals challenge each other to a race to prove who is the fastest. Mid-race, the hare lies down to rest, certain that it will win. The tortoise, though slow, never gives up and crosses the finishing line ahead of the hare. Slow and steady wins the race, as the message of the story goes.
Re-write this story.
Use the same characters but imagine that the tortoise and the hare team up to race against other contestants.
Express a message through the telling of the story.
Give your story a title.

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