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【Pastpaper】2018 DSE English Language Paper 2 (Writing) Part B Questions


【Pastpaper】2018 DSE English Language Paper 2 (Writing) Part B Questions
2018 DSE ENG Paper 2 (Writing) Part B Questions

Here we provide the 2018 DSE English Language Paper 2 (Writing) Part 2 Questions and Level 5 exemplars.


For questions 2 - 9, choose ONE question and write about 400 words in the space provided on page 8 - 12. Indicate which question you are going to attempt in the question number box on page 8.

2. Learning English through Sports Communication

You recently ran the Hong Kong Marathon for the first time.

Write a blog to be posted on the Hong Kong Marathon's website to encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon.

3. Learning English through Workplace Communication

You are the boss of Reboot Online Company and you have recently received complaints from some staff about the number of work-related emails and text messages received out of office.

Write a letter to staff addressing their complaints.

4. Learning English through Social Issues

You write an advice column for Teen magazine and you have received the following letter:

I've been thinking about mu future. I love animals and I've always wanted to be a vet. But when I told my parents, the first thing they said was 'No.' I feel really frustrated. What should I do?

- J.C., 16 years old

Write a letter of advice.

5. Learning English through Debating

You are representing your school at an inter-school debating competition. The motion is: 'The policy of reporting students' class position should be abolished'.

Write a debate speech arguing for OR against the motion.

6. Learning English through Popular Culture

'Athleisure' is currently one of the biggest trend in the fashion industry. This is a term for clothes that can be worn both for exercise and as everyday wear.

Write an article for the local newspaper explaining possible reasons for the rise in popularity of athleisure.

7. Learning English through Drama

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) wants to encourage more people to watch stage plays. To do this, they want to show video-recordings of live drama performances from theatres all over the world.

You have just watched one of these recordings. Write an article for Showbiz magazine discussing whether these recordings are a good way to attract more people to watch stage plays.

8. Learning English through Poems and Songs

Poetry House is offering a scholarship for ten young writers to attend their summer poetry workshop. The workshop will promote the art and craft of poetry in a creative environment and participants will have a chance to discuss their work with guest poets from around the world.

Write an application letter, explaining your interest in poetry and why you should be selected to take part in this workshop.

9. Learning English through Short Stories

Imagine you are a pet bird in a cage. One day your owner left your bird cage open.

Write a story from the bird's point of view.

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