Here we provide the 2017 DSE English language Paper 2 (Writing) Part 2 Questions and Level 5 exemplars
For questions 2 - 9, choose ONE question and write about 400 words in the space provided on page 9 - 12. Indicate which question you are going to attempt in the question number box on page 9.
2. Learning English through Poems and Songs
You have just heard this song abut opportunities.
If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
You have been inspired to share your feelings about opportunities on your online blog. In your blog write about one opportunity that you missed and one opportunity that you took.
3. Learning English through Short Stories
You are entering a short story competition on the topic of 'Wildlife'. Your story should describe the even leading up to the image below.

Write your story.
4. Learning English through Drama
'Did my heart love till now? … For I never saw true beauty till this night.'
Romeo and Juliet - Shakespeare
In your drama lessons yon have been looking at plays about romantic love. Your essay assignment from your drama teacher is to answer the question: Is Romantic Love Necessary for a Happy Marriage?
Write your essay.
5. Learning English through Popular Culture
Recently the Hong Kong Government published a list of intangible cultural heritage items that the city should protect. The following were on the list:

Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily supporting the Government's choice of these two features of Hong Kong culture, suggesting why they are worth protecting and how they can be protected.
6. Learning English through Debating
As captain of the debate team you have been asked to write a debate speech. The task is to argue that 'Watching TV Makes Us Smarter'.
In your speech you should include three reasons to support the statement.
Write your speech.
7. Learning English through Social Issues
You are working on a project entitled 'Hong Kong's NEETs' . NEETs are young people who are not in education, employment or training. Many of these young people spend their time at home playing video games or surfing the Internet.
Write a report to explain why the number of NEETs in Hong Kong is rising and suggest what can be done to help these youths. Give reasons to support your suggestions.
8. Learning English through Sports Communication
Unlike swimmers or basketball players, dancers are not traditionally thought of as athletes. As a member of your school's dance team you have been asked to write an article for your school magazine. Use the title and headings below to support the idea of dancers as athletes.
Dancers Are Athletes
- Physical Strength & Skills
- Self-discipline & Training
9. Learning English through Workplace Communication
It has recently been claimed that in the workplace many Hong Kong fresh university graduates are less hardworking and less willing to face challenges compared to those in the past.
You strongly disagree with this opinion. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily disagreeing with this opinion. Support your view with three reasons and/or examples.