Want to score 5** in the DSE English Language Paper 2 Writing Section?
In addition to learning more useful English writing skills and sentence patterns, you should look at examples of essays that have scored 5**.
The sample essay provided in this article is taken from the level 5 example in the Samples of Candidates' Performance posted by the HKEAA each year. The question of the essay comes from a news report.
The original text was revised by our professional English tutor. We corrected all grammatical and spelling errors, as well as improper use of words/ phases, while strictly retaining the original content to ensure that it is as close to the 5** level as possible.
Learning English through Debating
2019 Part B question 3
The Hong Kong Daily Press invites readers to submit their views on the following topic:
Do social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter encourage or stifle public debate? When first created, social media was thought to be a place where rational debate and logic would thrive, However, as time has shown, this is not always the case.
Write an argumentative essay.
Choose one side of the argument and state your position, giving reasons and evidence to support your view
Include a title for your essay.
Social media: a curse to public debate?
In this day and age, social media became a hot potato among both youngsters and adults. Originally, these social media sites including Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, you name it, were aimed to conduct reasonable public debate and create a peaceful communicative platform. However, as time has shown, the case became different. Irrational debate and cyberbullying sparked with the development of social media. Barely were the discussions online thrive in logic. What turns our social media users into ‘keyboard warriors’? Let’s probe into the issue and find the reasons behind it.
Social media platforms were said to be promoting freedom of speech at first since everyone can create their account to share their opinion online. This was undoubtedly right, however, some characteristics — or should we call loopholes? — causes the stifle of public debates. Not only can everyone create their account to share their opinion, but also create accounts with fake information. Only an email address is needed to open up a social media platform account, which doesn’t require the users to provide their personal information such as their real name and gender. Under the conveniences, hardly any users need to have the responsibility in law to their comments and posts due to the hustle and bustle of information flows on the internet, some people even own a few accounts and just use it to comment. As no responsibilities in law are needed to worry about, users always comment harsh and unkind content which is detrimental to healthy public debate. Let’s state a remarkable example in Hong Kong. During the time of Umbrella Reballience, a fierce debate was sparked in tons of social media platforms, some netizens would even use foul language to insult others just because of having different democratic opinions. In the meantime, many people criticized policemen— no matter what they did or commented on — people started to insult them just because of their career as a policeman. Cyberbullying or job discrimination then became a prevalent issue on social media since people can talk whatever they like online without being responsible in law. There is no longer a public debate but one-sided blame, which abundantly shows that social media is exacerbating public debate.
Apart from the grim situation caused by the freedom of speech stated, here comes another problem of social media platforms, which is the freedom of posting videos and photos. As technology improved day by day, it was convenient for people to take photos or videos everywhere. With a huge network of social media users, social media platforms seldom block the content shared by users. Thus, people can easily upload photos and videos of themselves and even others. This sparks another round of online judgment which is vulnerable to the encouragement of public debate. For instance, people always upload photos of people who didn’t give out their seats to the elderly or children. Many netizens will then comment and blame the main character in the photo, somewhere enhancing language bullying online. Moreover, users will always focus on the caption typed by the one who posts the photo out to complain. The people in the photo may have some invisible reasons for not giving their seat out, such as injury or sickness, which will usually be ignored by other users. This kind of ‘online justice’ made many citizens a culprit. On Instagram, an account was opened to post photos of people sleeping on MTR. This issue also causes a social dilemma. Some Blame the one who posts the photos due to the problem of privacy, and some blame the one sleeping on MTR but not giving out their seats. This kind of activity performed on social media platforms is promoted just because users can upload anything they want freely. And this puts the relationship of public and logical debate in jeopardy.
In a nutshell, social media platforms deprive us of carrying out peaceful and rational public debate. Worse still, it promotes cyberbullying and one-sided arguments. But with deep consideration, are you one of those who are having the same act just because of the freedom provided by this platform? ‘What we do in life echoes in eternity, a platform wouldn’t determine the content we discuss or post online, the stifle of public debate caused by the mainly irresponsible user. Maybe social media sites are only a platform that shows our dark side of humanity and catastrophic inequality in society under the wide range of freedom given.
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