Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management
查詢電話:3890 8222
【JSSV04】由高科院開辦:廚藝及管理(榮譽)文學士 [BA(CAM)](英譯:Offered by VTC-THEi: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management) 是由指定專業/界別進修資助計劃開辦的學士學位課程,資助類別是SSSDP。收生名額為20這是 2023/24 隊列的入學配額。。整個標準課程為期 4 年,首年學費是HK$ 104,775
Tuition fees are charged according to the number of credit points taken in a semester. Tuition fees for 2023/24 cohort are as below for reference:
The nominal annual tuition fee of the programme:
Year 1: HK$104,775
Year 2: HK$104,775
Year 3: HK$104,775
Year 4: HK$104,775
Net tuition fee after deduction of the maximum subsidy amount:
Year 1: HK$59,825
Year 2: HK$59,825
Year 3: HK$59,825
Year 4: HK$59,825
The tuition fees shown above are at the fee level of 2023/24. The fees for the subsequent years after 2023/24 shall be subject to annual adjustments capped at the movement of the Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) announced by the Government.
The annual tuition fees, shown in the above, are calculated based on the average credit points per year multiplied by the per-credit fee and are shown for reference only. The minimum credit requirement for graduation is 132 credit points. The actual annual tuition fees payable by individual students may vary from the amounts shown.
The unit subsidy for this programme is $44,950 per annum in 2023/24 cohort. The subsidy is tenable for the normal duration of the programme, i.e. for a period of 4 years.
Only local students are eligible to be subsidised under SSSDP.。是否有面試?可能需要面試和/或測試。
∎ 核心科目
最低水平: 中國語文 3 英語 3 通識教育 2 數學 必修部分 2
∎ 選修科目
最低水平: 任何 1 科目 2 申請人參加 HKDSE 考試超過 1 門的分數計算所有 HKDSE 科目組合的最佳成績將被考慮並且不會因重複參加而被扣分或扣分。中國語文的替代資格(僅限非華語申請人)如果申請人沒有所需的 HKDSE 中國語文資格,在特定情況下1,以下語言結果將在申請中單獨考慮: 替代語言資格 最低成績 HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese Attained GCSE / IGCSE Chinese Language Grade C / Grade 4 GCE (O-Level) Chinese Language Grade C GCE (AS-Level) Chinese Language Grade C GCE (A -Level)中文E級 注:具體情況為:申請人在接受中小學教育期間學習漢語不足6年(含未學過);或 申請人已在學校學習中文 6 年或以上,但所教授的課程經過調整且較簡單,通常不適用於當地學校的大多數學生。
∎ 分數計算方法
Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2022 283 267 305 402 535 1792
2021 305 267 317 381 521 1791
2020 349 265 334 424 569 1941
2019 442 372 500 547 794 2655
2018 563 497 556 735 851 3202
2017 589 535 630 703 938 3395
2016 786 679 792 850 1141 4248
2015 744 737 876 941 1200 4498
Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2022 16 5 2 2 2 27
2021 19 4 1 2 3 29
2020 19 6 6 2 4 37
2019 25 7 9 11 16 68
2018 63 22 12 0 0 97
2017 43 0 0 0 0 43
2016 37 0 0 0 0 37
2015 17 10 3 0 0 30