Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business
【JS9240】環球商業榮譽工商管理學士 [BBA(Hons)Glbl Bus](英譯:Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours in Global Business) 是由香港城市大學開辦的學士學位課程,資助類別是自籌資金。收生名額為10。整個標準課程為期 4 年,首年學費是HK$ 92,382
Estimated Programme Fees
1st year: HK$92,382
Whole Programme: HK$369,528
Estimated Programme Fees after deducting NMTSS subsidy (HK$33,740/year), if applicable
1st year: HK$58,642
Whole Programme: HK$234,568
The composite tuition/programme fees listed above have included laboratory/practicum/immersion course fees, etc., if applicable.
Non-local students will be charged at a higher rate.
There will be an annual adjustment of tuition fees which will be capped at the actual Composite Consumer Price Index (CCPI) to be announced by the Government. The estimated composite tuition/programme fees for the whole programme have not yet taken the CCPI for the second to fourth (or fifth) year, i.e. 2024/25 to 2026/27 (or 2027/28) academic year, into account.
Students, who fulfilled the stipulated requirements set by the Education Bureau (EDB), are eligible for the Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (“NMTSS”) provided by the Government. For details of the scheme and eligibility, please visit http://www.cspe.edu.hk/nmtss.
The NMTSS subsidy amount of HK$33,740/year set out above is for the 2023/24 academic year (AY).
A student’s eligibility for the NMTSS and the annual subsidy amount allocated in an academic year is subject to EDB’s final approval.
Only local students are eligible for subsidy under NMTSS.。是否有面試?否。
∎ 分數計算方法
參加 HKDSE 考試超過 1 次的申請人的分數計算 HKMU 將考慮申請人參加 HKDSE 考試的特定科目的最佳成績。多次開會沒有成績處罰。
除非特定科目要求及比重另有規定,香港中學文憑乙類科目(應用學習)成績為“達標”或以上;或丙類科目(其他語文)取得E級或以上成績可計算為選修科目。數學延伸部分(即單元一(微積分與統計)/單元二(代數與微積分))將被計為選修科目。如果申請人同時修讀了模塊 1 和模塊 2,則只會考慮成績最好的模塊。非華語申請人如符合教育局公佈的特定情況,可使用下列其中一項資格,取代香港中學文憑試中國語文科第三級,以符合中國語文科的入學要求: ' 或以上 HKDSE Applied Learning Chinese Grade E or above GCE (A-Level / AS-Level / O-Level) Chinese Grade E / Grade 3 or above in GCSE / IGCSE Chinese 對於對中國語文能力有特定入學要求的課程, 請點擊此處了解詳情。除了一般入學要求外,個別課程可能需要特定科目要求。此外,一些課程可能會給予某些核心和/或選修科目更高的權重,而有些課程可能還會在錄取選擇中優先考慮某些選修科目。詳情請參閱“課程特定科目要求”或點擊此處。大學接受香港中學文憑考試的綜合成績。最好的成績將被計入滿足入學要求和計算錄取分數。
Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2022 245 417 453 608 672 2395
2021 216 384 432 587 709 2328
2020 240 416 514 577 740 2487
2019 278 483 557 683 853 2854
2018 335 548 603 697 934 3117
2017 373 594 682 765 989 3403
2016 487 768 881 1072 1366 4574
2015 1029 1245 1138 1218 1403 6033
2014 433 662 682 846 993 3616
Year Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Total
2022 67 24 6 8 7 112
2021 45 13 12 8 10 88
2020 58 26 10 19 9 122
2019 68 46 18 15 23 170
2018 90 71 34 38 44 277
2017 132 87 41 32 48 340
2016 167 135 41 47 56 446
2015 337 123 0 0 0 460
2014 115 105 0 0 0 220